
Thursday, January 20, 2011

French toast anyone?

Some co-workers and I were outside talking earlier and joking about French toast. No, not because we love French toast so much. We were actually laughing at the local school system for dismissing schools two hours early today for a "proposed snowstorm" later this evening. In other words, it is not snowing now and there is no snow on the ground, but they are expecting it later. Therefore, the schools decided it made sense to simply close early. I don't see the logic in this. However, everyone is now running to the grocery to pick up the essential items -- bread, milk, and eggs. You know, the ingredients for French toast! Amazing how a little bit of snow (or lack thereof) suddenly makes everyone want French toast. Okay, so maybe that's not why they buy these items, but it certainly was an entertaining discussion.

I've been re-reading old posts today and some of them were really beneficial. Other posts brought one thought to mind: The more things change, the more they stay the same. I feel like I could simply do re-runs of my posts from 2007 when I was moving back home to live with my parents. Guess what? I'm moving back AGAIN in March! Due to family issues and my job ending soon, it seems like the logical solution. Unfortunately, it does not shed a positive light on my life or the fact that I'm right back in the same place I was a little over three years ago.

I have made many friends in Lexington this time around, so it's going to be even harder to move again. Plus, Aurea is in third grade now versus kindergarten when we last moved. I keep trying to point out the positive aspects (being closer to family, no more school uniforms, etc.), but it still really hurts.

On the bright side, I am seeing a great guy from there so it means more time together and I will have more help with being a single mom. I will also be better able to handle Adam's 15-year-old issues he's been struggling with over the last few months. It has been very exhausting. Since I found out my job was ending, I have been looking for a new one. I'm not sure if it's the economy or the fact I'm two hours away, but I have not had much luck so far. If anyone still reads this, please keep your fingers crossed that I find something soon. Thank you.

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