
Monday, May 18, 2009

Back at it

Well, it's Monday and I'm back at the office. I am not a big fan of Mondays, or of mornings in general for that matter. I miss the weekend already and it's not even lunch time yet! I guess I'm in for a long week. I believe part of that comes from the fact that next weekend is a long weekend and I'm ready for 3 days off. Unfortunately, one day will be spent cleaning out my grandmother's house. I miss her, but picking through old furniture and found "treasures" does not sound like a fun day. On the bright side, it is a long weekend so I still have two days for other things.

This weekend was good. I took Aurea and we met Jennifer and Korey and went to Korey's school playground to let the girls play. Most of the weekend, Aurea spent outside playing with her friends or playing her new Wii game. I printed some photos with the new PhotoSmart printer I bought a couple of months ago. I also put up some pictures and reorganized some things around the house. I guess being single again does have some advantages.

The interior proofs for my book are almost ready! I'm really excited. I hope that means we are close to being ready to sell it. I can't wait! It will be on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, outskirts' press website, and whereever else I pitch it and get it accepted.

Now, I need ideas. Being down to one income is not helping my life at the moment. While I hope my book comes out and sales wonderfully, I'm also realistic that that may take awhile. In the meantime, I would like to try to do something from home to make a little extra money. The problem is, everything I find on my own is some pyramid scheme or a complete scam! Any suggestions?

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